Below is a list of resources both local and national that can assist you with a variety of needs.
Below is a list of resources both local and national that can assist you with a variety of needs.
The links below can be used to find local hotline phone numbers, meetings and/or events for that area.
NA World Service Links.
Comprised of 13 Narcotics Anonymous Regions in the Western United States.
Please note that NA does not affiliate with or endorse any of these services, we are simply providing this information to assist with any number of issues that you may be facing.
Al-Anon (805) 495-0270
Bullying Hotline (800) 420-1479
CalHOPE (833) 317-HOPE (4673) or
Child Abuse Hotline (800) 799-7233
Domestic Violence Services
Drug Crisis Hotline (877) 235-4525
Eating Disorder (630) 577-1330
Emergency Services (County/City/State) 211
Families Anonymous (800) 736-9805
Grief Support (650) 321-3438
Homeless Shelter (local) 211 or (805) 385-1800
Intervention Services (805) 652-6267
Lifeline (800) 784-8433
Mental Health Helpline (800) 442-9673
Nar-Anon (800) 477-6291 or
Painted Brain (800) 854-7771 or
Poison Control (800) 222-1222
Probation Department (805) 654-2106
Rape Crisis Center (800) 656-4673
Runaways (services for) (800) Runaway (786-2929)
Self Harm (800) 366-8288
Suicide Prevention Hotline (800) 273-8255
Treatment Referral Line (National) (800) 662-HELP (4357)
P.O. Box 23596
Ventura, CA 93002
24-Hour Phone line: 1-888-817-7425
Here are some tips to help you understand how to get started:
Simply find a meeting on our meeting directory page.
No need to make an appointment, but maybe show up a bit early, and have a seat anywhere you like.
Have a listen, share, or don’t share.
Mostly just learn you are not alone.
None of us could do this alone, we do this together.
For us drugs had become a major problem.
To help each other stay clean, we recovering addicts meet regularly.
No initiation fees or promises are required.
You are already a member if you have the desire to stop using.
If you want to do something about your problem:
We want to know how we can help.
We all thought we were powerless to do anything about our addiction.
Experience has shown us, if we keep coming to meetings regularly, we stay clean.